Adrianne Curry
Beauty & Fashion • Lifestyle • Television
OG Top Model-Recovered Hollywood Douchebag. Tolkien Enthusiast, Survivalist's Wife, Makeup Maven-Nerd Queen, Red Pilled Montana Mountain Hermit
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Today, I am making mashed potatoes in my crockpot for the first time. Have any of you tried this?

If this works out, I believe Thanksgiving will run more smoothly this go around! Freeing up my range top would be a game changer. 5lbs potatoes quartered, garlic, salt and 2 cups of water on high for 4 hours. Then, mash em up, add Gruyere and caramelized onions cooked in white wine...and it can sit on warm for up to 4 hours after

5lbs potatoes, garlic, salt and 2 cups of water on high for 4 hours, drain, mash w/onions and cheese....set

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Browned butter, fresh grated soft ginger cookies dipped in dark maple glaze
Weird day

My favorite photoshoot was during the time I lived in Cape Town, SA. My lack of brows is disturbing

Let's go!

What did you give up for Lent?

I gave these up. I had them for dessert after EVERY meal. Last night hit hard w/out em.

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