I have seen non Christians try to correct Christians that they should NOT be offended when people mock Christianity. They pretend the last supper was NOT being mocked, even when the Jeaus figure had a HALO. These are the SAME people who melt down if you mock gender bending/lgbtq/blm/etc. Do you think these same people would correct Muslims that they are wrong if the Olympics portrayed something they believed mocked Mohammed? Nope. Hypocritical scumbags. Sadly, most don't even see it.
The intolerance and exclusion of anyone who is not LEFT is beyond disgusting. This is one of the main reasons I woke up. Many of you watched me in real time... defending jews and Christians being locked out of temples and churches while WALMART and HOME DEPOT remained open in 2020. Not to mention the celebrated blm riots. I was 100% agnostic then...and even I could see the sickening hypocrisy.
These exclusive cultists reject anyone and anything that does not live in their echo chamber...and they celebrate and relish offending anyone they deem "on the right" while they whine and cry at tiny micro aggressions.
It's pathetic human behavior.