Adrianne Curry
Beauty & Fashion • Lifestyle • Television
OG Top Model-Recovered Hollywood Douchebag. Tolkien Enthusiast, Survivalist's Wife, Makeup Maven-Nerd Queen, Red Pilled Montana Mountain Hermit
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Traditional man/woman roles changed my life.

My husband & I are a team. I chose him as my partner due to his logical mind, problem solving abilities, & natural leadership skills. He is the most alpha guy I have ever met. For him to take a backseat to me playing "guy" would NOT work.

I make our house a home. I run everything under this roof. I pick out all furnishings, everything (with his input, of course). I bring my emotions/compassion/empathy to situations that logic and reason can not aid. I am the neck that turns the head. I never abuse the power I have over this guy, but recognize that I have it.

I was never more unhappy in my life than when I denied my femininity and tried to mimic a man's role. Had you told a young me that I would find deep contentment in not competing for the traditional roles of men, I'd have probably went on some anti-man rant....toxic feminism instilled in me from a very young age.

This is why girl bosses and soy bois are so miserable. They are like Simba in the Lion King, denying who they are. I am no longer trying to shove a square block into a circle hole.

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Browned butter, fresh grated soft ginger cookies dipped in dark maple glaze
Weird day

My favorite photoshoot was during the time I lived in Cape Town, SA. My lack of brows is disturbing

Let's go!

What did you give up for Lent?

I gave these up. I had them for dessert after EVERY meal. Last night hit hard w/out em.

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