Adrianne Curry
Beauty & Fashion • Lifestyle • Television
OG Top Model-Recovered Hollywood Douchebag. Tolkien Enthusiast, Survivalist's Wife, Makeup Maven-Nerd Queen, Red Pilled Montana Mountain Hermit
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I have a bread problem.
There isn't a loaf I WONT eat
Be envious. I have garlic basil butter and garlic infused olive oil with ancient aged balsamic

I made a bit too much to toss it in the oven

Healthy cookies after

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Wildfires are climate change? Why does the lodgepole pine exist?
Browned butter, fresh grated soft ginger cookies dipped in dark maple glaze
Weird day
I love you guys for your support here. truly. thank you

I'm currently watching Death Wish and enjoying the pizza I made!!

going live
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