Adrianne Curry
Beauty & Fashion • Lifestyle • Television
OG Top Model-Recovered Hollywood Douchebag. Tolkien Enthusiast, Survivalist's Wife, Makeup Maven-Nerd Queen, Red Pilled Montana Mountain Hermit
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Be who you are

My husband told me he thought I'd look rad w/a rogue streak...& that I should grow my grey out. So, I did. A lot of people tell me how old I look w/ I let myself go...mostly women.
I have a peace & confidence I did not used to have...& no longer feel I am living my life based on the relentless opining of others. I certainly do not feel I need to advertise my wares to men I am not married to...let alone impress catty, insufferable, jealous as$ women online. With no reservations, I am willing to shove an HD camera in my 42 year old face w/no filters & just be real w/people. Realness is something this world is lacking. (I sell makeup/skincare, so at least I polish up on the reg.)...I'd rather be on my deathbed one day knowing I did not waste my life fussing over false projections of it physically or internally.
WOMEN are the ones setting the unrealistic expectations of beauty on one another. They simply refuse to take responsibility for it and blame men.
I live a VERY different life than I used to. It's gritty, dirty and wild. There is little room for manicured nails, salon visits and designer duds.

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Weird day

My favorite photoshoot was during the time I lived in Cape Town, SA. My lack of brows is disturbing

Let's go!

What did you give up for Lent?

I gave these up. I had them for dessert after EVERY meal. Last night hit hard w/out em.

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