Adrianne Curry
Beauty & Fashion • Lifestyle • Television
OG Top Model-Recovered Hollywood Douchebag. Tolkien Enthusiast, Survivalist's Wife, Makeup Maven-Nerd Queen, Red Pilled Montana Mountain Hermit
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Kicking this page into high gear

I have connected my rumble account here. I think I would like to keep this completely separate from anything I do on Facebook. i am SO SICK of it there! I want to kick this page into high gear paired with my rumble. I have a BAD feeling about this year for us all. I think safe places for like minded people are a great thing

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What else you may like…
Wildfires are climate change? Why does the lodgepole pine exist?
Browned butter, fresh grated soft ginger cookies dipped in dark maple glaze
Weird day

My favorite photoshoot was during the time I lived in Cape Town, SA. My lack of brows is disturbing

Let's go!

What did you give up for Lent?

I gave these up. I had them for dessert after EVERY meal. Last night hit hard w/out em.

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