Vintage 1982 right here, baby!
I always wondered what life would like like for me at 40.
I never imagined I'd live so remotely. I stare in wonder at the brilliance of the unobstructed stars....the sound of the breeze in ponderosa pines. I feel (and look) healthier than I ever being the only "drug" I take. (Drinking wears poorly on your skin as you age). In the evenings, I rock in my rocking chair next to the love of my life...watching the sun drench the purple mountain majesty...and the wildlife go about their business as if we didnt exist. I have no regrets. I have been given the opportunity to atone for my sins in my past....a life of self worship and focus.....and atone I have.
A spiritual awakening awaits all who veer off the path society wants us to walk. Look outwardly instead of hyperfocusing on our own feelings/world. There is so much more outside of ourselves.
Covered in my #Avon #skinsosoft
Bug guard!
#montana #mountain life #antm #americasnexttopmodel