Adrianne Curry
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OG Top Model-Recovered Hollywood Douchebag. Tolkien Enthusiast, Survivalist's Wife, Makeup Maven-Nerd Queen, Red Pilled Montana Mountain Hermit
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Megan Fox/Body Dysmorphia

I couldn't help but notice the people claiming Megan Fox does NOT have body dysmorphia. As someone who made the horrible mistake of caving to my own and am left with FRANKEN-T!TS, I am shocked that no one sees it in her.
Her entire face is altered by needles and knives, breasts, etc. That is NOT confidence and feeling cute that pushes a woman to do such an INSANE thing, altering her body with chemicals and cutting it up. As she debuts freshly new implants, I just assumed she and her boyfriend planned their little "breakup" for her to quietly go under the knife to recover. That is how these people act. This is how they do things. Good press, new tits, win win.
CONFIDENT women don't flaunt their bodies all the time for attention. They are already confident and not looking for validation from the outside. Confident women do not push needles under their skin to inject themselves with toxins. Confident women do not allow doctors to cut their nipples off, make wo cuts in their pectoral muscles to pull them OFF of their ribcage...then MUTILATE the pecs to form a pocket for a sack of poison to be placed under them right next to their vital organs. Plastic Surgery for VANITY or because you FEEL your body isnt what it should be should be criminal. The doctors should be publicly shamed and mocked for doing harm to society. It's dangerous and it does NOT FIX BODY DYSMORPHIA! It makes it WORSE.
Seeing the behavior of women who whine and cry about body shaming and whatnot all day online dog pile this chick pulls the mask RIGHT off their self righteous BULL$HIT. Women who claim that ALL women are beautiful are the FIRST to behave like GOLLUM looking at the ONE RING when a lady they feel jealous of waltzes by. They only uplift women that are less attractive than them, they want to be top dog.
It's all bullshit...and its bad for you.
FYI, she never needed ANY makes me wonder who surrounds her and what they say to her.

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